Wednesday, March 25, 2009


some of you (sepa yang baca la kan) might be wondering what's with this term "frogies"...
well, when i was in my schooling years (sia rasa macam tingkatan 3 or 4 la) i have this band called frogies...
it was really fun, auditioned to a few competition and we were the finalist...
few songs throughout all battle, if i'm not mistaken...
1. there she goes - sixpence none the richer
2. oasis song which i don' remember
3. i love the you loved me
4. few more songs not remembered
the above are among the frogies played...
we were not bad since we're the finalist yet we never won...
it's been years already but it somehow retrieved back in my memory...
i don't really know why we pick "frogies" but i guess it just spontaneous and it's great (betul kan)...
on one of the battle, the mc asked us "do you sound like frogs?"...
damned we just say "almost" and had a great laugh before we went out to rock...
good ol' days...
the band...
moses - vocal/rhythm
dalton - drum
carl - lead guitar
me - bass
dean - part time vocal
audrey - part time keyboardist/vocal
did i forgot someone...
it was fun...
by the way, i remembered why i was in frogies...
it was because of i diagnosed with apendicitis and couldn't do any sport...
well, thing happens for a reason and that's why i got my apendics booted out of the system...
hope to have some beat with frogies again...
just waiting for time to tell...


Mohd Ahmad Ferk said...

bebila nak jamming bagitau la..
bleh tgk..
tapi kat kl je la..

elva said...

nak jadik singer band ko!!

frogies said...

kononnyer la nak jadik penyanyi la...
tup-tup tak jadi...
katanya tak cukup suara dalam perut...
pelik gak...
tp skang ni memang suara sangat cukup la dalam perut...

ego789 said...

there she goes..there she goes again..lalalala( lupe lirik )..
indie band la kunun..cehh..skang dh tau frogies ni bkn katak..
tangkap muat punye name ms skolah dulu2..
go frogies, go..!!

frogies said...

memang katak cuma kiteorg curik pinjam jer...
memang klakar la bila gi audition...
pastu kena main atas stage depan beribu peminat (ribu la sangat)...
memang giler arr...
band yg dah lama tenggelam la ego789...

ego789 said...

beribu peminat..femes tue..
tp pesal haku xtau kewujudan frogies nie ek..??
hurmm..pelik nih..